Video Imprinter

Add text, image, sound, or video overlays to the video. Cut, combine, or convert video or audio. Extract sound or image from the video file. Add audio to the video at the specific location. Edit image files using color curve. In-app image editor is included. Create video from image or audio file. Synchronize multi-cams with audio. Manual synchronization is also supported, and no need to watch the entire video to edit. Supports 21 languages without adjusting system's language settings.


Apply Color Audio Tools Closed Caption Cut Video Edit Audio Frame Rate Image Editor Image Extraction Language Multi Screen Multi Screen 3 MultiCamAutoRender MultiCamManualRender Overlay Player Record Media Record Screen Selection



  • Click [Download].
  • Extract
  • Run viinstaller.exe.


This is stand-alone application. You will not see this application in [Windows - Add or remove program]. Just delete [c:\Video Imprinter] folder. No other action is required.


Supported overlay types are; Text, Caption, Image, Audio, Webcam, Mobile Phone's Camera, and Video. Each overlay can be configured; Start Time, End Time, Size, Color, Location, Volume, Forecolor, and Background Color.

Record Screen

Records screen in any size with or without any overlays. Able to display Text or Image overlays, such as, [] or [company logo image]. Dinamically move overlays to while rendering.

Record Webcam

Records webcam, using the any camera device installed or connected to the PC.

Edit Videos

Cuts, combines, or converts video files. Apply color using color curves. Edit by decibel and allowed gap.


Arabic, Bangla, Chinese, English, French, Greman, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Tamil, Thai, Urdu, and Vietnamese.

[*** No need to adjust your Windows Language Settings. ***] This application works on all Windows versions, regardless Windows Language Settings. Listed languages above are to display application's language if selected. You can select any language listed above, regardless of your current Windows Language Settings.

Available Hours

This application runs on available hours. Available hours will be reduced when rendering final output, recording screen or recording webcam, or editing [combine, convert] video files. Adding overlays, previewing, or playing media files will not reduce available hours. Available hours will be instantly increased after hours are purchased via. this application (In-App Purchase) using any valid credit card.


End users may request full refund any time after purchasing hours. Go to [Help] - [Contact], and send us refund request. Refund request will be processed once valid card transaction is verified. Available hours will be reduced equivalent to the amount of refund after refund.


This page & [In-App Purchase] pages are [https] pages. Card processor is Square. None of your card information or personal information will be collected in any format. As a result, when requesting refund, you must provide us last 4 digits of card number and amount.


Click [Help] - [Contact] from Video Imprinter.


This software uses code of FFmpeg licensed under the LGPLv2.1.






© 2024 HS Retail and Food Inc