Employment Application


Personal Information

First Name:
Last Name:
Phone Number:

Please make sure your phone number and email address are correct. Your contact info is the only way we can reach you for interview.

We will try to reach you for scheduing interview by,

  1. Email you provided. (in 24 - 48 hours)
  2. Phone number you provided (in 24 hours after email method)

If there is no response on both trial to schedule interview, your application will be discarded. You may apply again later.

Position Applying





Desired Wage Amount

 Per Hour


Check all available days in week.


Add any comment to your application.

FAQ (Frequently Aaked Questions), Please Read

Do you offer cash payment as payroll?


How often do I get payroll?

Biweekly, on  every other Monday. Payroll will cover 2 weeks of your work period, excluding the last week of the payday.For example as below, if the payday is 2021-03-22 (Monday), your payroll will reflect work hours from 2021-02-28 to 2021-03-13.


Can I get my payroll on the same day I quit, reflecting the last day of my work?

No. Payroll will be prepared as decribed above. There will be no exception.

Do you have dress code for employees?

Yes. For front workers (servers), black top, no vivid colored top, no exposing outfit. Jeans OK for pants. For kitchen workers, we will provide chef's coat with hat (must wear hat). Jeans OK for pants.

Can you cash my check because I do not have bank account?


Should I wear mask for protecting me or others, concerning COVID-19?

Yes. All the time, while serving customers, and talking to any co-workers in close distance. This may change based on the  situation in the future.

Can I bring my kid or my friend, or my family member to stay while I am working?


Can I get discount if I order while I am working?

Yes. 30% off.

Can I get discount if I visit with my family members when I am off?

Yes. 20% off.

Do I need to wear slip-resistant shoes?


Can I wear purfume?


Can I bring any chemicals other than allowed by manager?

No, only allowed chemicals, you can use while in work are bleach (as instructed amount labeled on the bottle) or soap provided by the business. You may NOT bring in any kind of chemicals to the store, unless allowed by manager.

Can I leave early if there are many servers and it is about to be closing time?

Yes, but please talk to your co-workers on workload at the time.



Hiring Process

Once applied, system will notify the manager and saves application in the database. If position is available at the time, manager will contact the applicant using the applicant's phone number. Position may be available in the future. In that case, manager will contact the applicant. You may apply any time.
Once [Apply] button is clicked, this page will show message in this page.
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